Hello everyone! It has been a long winter, or at least it feels that way to me, and i am so excited for the weather to warm up! Warm weather means getting outside and getting some fantastic pictures, and i can't wait! I have been busy this winter, but I am ready to shoot! I am going to book a lot in the Spring because I will be taking a maternity break this summer (little guy is due July 26th) and hope to shoot again early fall! The pricing has changed a little bit this year, with weekend sessions costing more.
I also have a really exciting idea that I think you will all love- Mother's Day mini sessions (they will be offered April 26th, raindate May 3rd)- more info to come in the next week or so! Looking forward to seeing some of you again, and meeting others for the first time!
Remember- if you refer your friends you will get discounts on your next session!